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"Filmmusic for reality" (2012)

Small Oases

is a music-ensemble that creates live “Filmmusic for reality”.

Our musical startingpoint and inspiration, is the room that we are in and the people and the ambience in it.

The intention is not to "entertain", but - in a subtle way - to make the attendees experience the occassion as a unique and open one, full of new opportunities.

The function is much the same  in which filmmusic, together with the images, can create a far bigger experience than the two medias can  do separately.

All the music and the sounds are intuitive, improvised and created live


The music of Small Oases have been used in a large number of TV-documentaries.


Nikolaj Busk    - keyboards
Bjarke Falgren - violin, cello, viola, mandola
Jens Lysdal     -
el. & ac. guitars, guitar-synth

all musicians also play percussion and loads of  other instruments and soundsources


Sma Oaser Presse Lufthavn S_H edit 0651.jpg
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